Sunday, October 26, 2008

Today was an interesting day. The battle is always interesting. A few things stand out some days it blows, literally. It has been a long time since the winds beat me that bad. It got me thinking how the winds of life push us around from time to time and sometimes the world has more to do with where we end up than us. We get pushed and driven and then we end up where we are in the lull to deal with where we are. I guess being blown around is better than getting caught in the doldrums with nothing to drive and basically no where to go. So let the wind blow.

Then there was a reminder that there are places in life where we must be willing to give part of ourselves to others to better both our selves and others that brought me back to the thought of how we must all be willing not only to give part of ourselves but be willing to accept the parts of others in order to better ourselves. guess it was a day to remind me that the world is full of forces and people under many forces trying to co-inhabit in big world being pushed in all different directions. Guess it is time to quit pushing back and give and take a few pieces to get somewhere.


Unknown said...

Interesting thoughts. I think that you think too much. :) Remember how sailors use the wind to sail around the world or short distances. Good idea not to push all the time, not to resist so much. But not to just float or fly away willy-nilly. Use the force of the winds as your power to get to where your heart is leading. Listen to your heart, Nat. It's still speaking to you.

ndumphrey said...

That was the idea Mel.